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Broken at 40, Fixed at 50, Thrive into 60’s and Beyond
They say age creeps up on you. It does! You wake up one day and there it is - staring back at you in the mirror. When you’re young you...

I’m a recovering workaholic
Addiction runs in many families. Many of you will have parents who were or are alcoholic. Others may have parents whose drug of choice...

Forgiving Someone who is Not Sorry is One of the Hardest Things to Do.
As I walked into the church I knew I was not welcome. My mother’s last dying wish was that I was not to be present at her funeral. My...

Are Your Expectations Setting You Up for Disappointment?
Waking up to who you are, requires letting go of who you imagine yourself to be. Read that again and get it into your head! When I was...

The right level of nice!
We all like nice people right? Or are you like me and people that are too nice kind of make you suspicious? Maybe your gut says “there’s...

Life Lessons for a Modern Peaceful Warrior
Most of the battles we have will be with ourselves. The strength to fight and win these battles can at times be very elusive: torn...

Mobility, for most in the modern world, has been lost. Our ancestors didn’t sit on chairs, work in offices or drive cars. They squatted...

Do what brings you joy!
In life, as much as we can, we should do what brings us joy! We tend to forget this; the old adage that we ‘work in a job we hate to buy...

Men’s Mental Health
Men’s Mental Health This is a hot topic, most men will struggle in silence, some will just drink more, smoke more or vent their anger on...

Slow down
It has been a hectic couple of months. My personal life has been hectic, my work life has been hectic and my all round productivity has...
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