The fundamentals of life

Do you struggle with sleep, stress, anxiety? Do you want to improve your overall energy or sporting performance?
I am passionate about helping others the way I was once helped myself.
Over the years I have helped clients overcome some of the most common health challenges using the power of their own breath. As a certified Breathing Coach and life long martial artist I have make a huge impact on my clients’ lives and loved every minute of helping them.
Here are some reasons why it’s so important to learn to breathe correctly:
Facts About Breathing
You can go for weeks without food, days without water, but only a few minutes without breathing. Breathing has such an immediate impact on your mind and body that even the act of inhaling vs. exhaling effects your nervous system differently. It’s common to train in diet, exercise and even hydration, but almost no one trains their breath. This is a huge missed opportunity for anyone who what’s to Improve their health.
Did you know…
Breathing can change your blood PH (acid/alkaline) in minutes. No food, exercise or medication acts as quickly
Reducing the rate at which you breathe can stimulate a rest and digest, parasympathetic nervous system state to help with sleep, stress, and anxiety
Diaphragmatic breathing massages the Vagus Nerve and reduces heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and reduces stress
Severe respiratory conditions like asthma can be successfully managed by increasing CO2 levels in the blood
Breathing can help reduce fear and social anxiety, improve digestion, reduce insomnia, lower stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.
How you breathe directly influences your sleep, snoring, sleep apnea and many more sleep disorders can be greatly reduced or eliminated.
How you breathe can have a massive affect on your sporting performance, to become more resilient, reduce breathlessness, and improve sports performance.
The Coaching opportunity
I focus on work with private clients, creating individualised, solution-oriented sessions. I help people with stress management, sleep disorders, anxiety, and sporting performance. My online one-to-one sessions offer you the flexibility that fits into your schedule and can be done from your own home. If you prefer in person workshops you can attend one of the many I run throughout the year or invite me to come into your workplace or community to take a course. Workshop-style breathing sessions can be organised in a variety of settings from venues of corporate clients to fitness centres and community groups.
Here is what I offer
Private Sessions: I’ll show you how to quickly learn new breathing patterns that mean you no longer need to struggle with challenges like stress, anxiety, sleep problems, digestive issues, or overwhelm. The typical breathing program is one month and includes a weekly one-to-one session (in person or virtual) combined with daily assignments where you are asked to practice the breathing techniques given each week virtually via video chat or in person.
1 month program. I can only take on 5 clients at any one time, to ensure enough dedicated time for each individual. This means places are limited.
Group workshops: These workshops are offered as a diagnostic of current breathing patterns and to provide exercises to retrain your breathing and bring you back to where you should always have been. I will teach the basics, then all those in the course will have access to me for a limited time to address any individual issues they may need support with. Costs of these specialist workshops are on request and include a fee for those who introduce me to new groups.

My Story
I have been teaching martial arts for almost 40 years, I have traveled extensively both teaching and learning, in Russia, Israel, Canada and Cuba to name a few.
As a child, I struggled with asthma and anxiety. Family circumstances and growing up in a flashpoint area in Belfast at a time of civil war in Northern Ireland led me to a very difficult place. Starting Martial Arts as a teen was without doubt life-changing. Being dyslexic and having little focus meant I struggled from day one, but I persevered and gained my black belt and became a coach. This was, for me, the dream job. I loved supporting others and helping them in their journey. Fast forward to 5 years ago and a death of a family member brought the anxiety that I had as a child back to the fore. I reached out to some of the best breath coaches in the world for support. The change in me was dramatic and quick. So much so was the effect on me, that I felt that I needed to learn how I could help others. I used the skills I have developed as a coach in Martial Arts and developed my knowledge of Breathwork to put together my teaching programme. I have been teaching breathwork for several years and now travel nationally and internationally to take courses. I work one-to-one to support those who can't get to these events or who feel they need a more personal service.